EasyMocap - Internet video with a mirror 테스트

Colab에서 시행한 내용 기반으로 AWS 테스트 진행

openpose 빌드를 위해 이곳의 dockerfile 활용

Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-4_z00cyj/opencv-python/ , ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools' 등등 opencv 설치 에러 발생으로 opencv-python 지우고, 아래 추가


이곳의 도커파일


GitHub - hmurari/openpose-docker: Openpose Dockerfile working with NVIDIA GPU GEFORCE GTX 1650

Openpose Dockerfile working with NVIDIA GPU GEFORCE GTX 1650 - GitHub - hmurari/openpose-docker: Openpose Dockerfile working with NVIDIA GPU GEFORCE GTX 1650



docker pull hmurari/openpose-docker:latest
docker run --gpus all --name bernice-openpose -it -v $(pwd):/workspace hmurari/openpose-docker:latest /bin/bash


  • requirements.txt 설치 전에 pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel (opencv 셋업 이슈)
  • python3 setup.py develop --user


파이썬 디폴트 버전 수정

python3 /workspace/easymocap/EasyMocap/scripts/preprocess/extract_video.py /workspace/easymocap/data/ --openpose /openpose/ --handface
PYOPENGL_PLATFORM=osmesa python3 apps/demo/1v1p_mirror.py /workspace/easymocap/data --out /workspace/easymocap/data/output/smpl --model smplx --vis_det --vis_repro --undis --vis_smpl


  • visualize
ffmpeg -i /workspace/easymocap/data/output/smpl/smpl/dynamite/%06d.jpg -vcodec libx264 /workspace/easymocap/data/output/smpl/easymocap_dynamite.mp4

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